

The month August is always special to each Indian. It’s the month we celebrate our Independence Day. On August 15,1947,India got it’s freedom ending an almost 200 year British rule. India’s Independence Day is significant as it stands as a

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Gandhi jayanti.

Gandhi Jayanti. Gandhiji was born on October 2,1869 in Porebunder Gujarat. He studied law for 3 years in London. After that he spent his early years as a legal consultant in South Africa. His stay there proved to be very

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#poetrywednesdaysainn #week10 In a cold country,cofined in the warmth of home Daddy shows her the world outside the closed window He teaches his daughter with his wise talk The mother’s love and care has nourished her The strength of knowledge

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#poetrywednesdaysainn After I go. I don’t want to be buried and occupy Mother Earth’s precious space. She has provided everything till date. Turn me into ashes and plant a tree, that will hold her soil tight and work like a

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#poetrywednesdaysainn #week17 The aesthetic appeal of the scarves and bags Very attractive ,beautiful and stylish, How can one avoid Not purchasing in lavish?

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#poetrywednesdaysainn #week 18 Bizzare sky above, the mundane life below, no mood to enjoy the colourful sky. But to kill the boredom and have solace Come my dear friend, let’s have tea in the corner stall.

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# NaPoWriMo2022 #ArtoonsinnPoetryParlour #Day18 War. The prosperous city Now covered with dead bodies A war is on , And killing seems a game here. Innocents lie dead What are their fault? Sparrows used to come to the city center Those

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#napowrimo2022 #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour #Day19 She is sure to rise. For ages it has been there Hatred for a girl everywhere East or west Male dominates everywhere Science helped to specify Male or female the foetus are Lo and behold, female foeticide

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