Hai re kismet!

Should I describe it as hideous or as terrifying? It was both combined. In my 25 years’ career, it was the most horrible and shocking  accident  I had ever seen. That fateful day, at Bahanaga Railway Station  ,the Coromondal Express

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The souvenir Charan bought.

Shivani fumed, “We simply can’t afford this.I think it’s very expensive.Why are you calling the Urban Company for little things?The plumber fixed the tap in five minutes and you paid a lot for it.I must say you call them for

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My Awkwardness.

My slumbering broke by the phone call.It was 6 in the morning.I sleep answered.It was Rajat my buddy, on the otherside. “Jitendra we may be in trouble. I got up startled.It took me a while to accustom myself to the

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My Point of view

The tiled walls around me are shining as the morning sunray entered through the glass panes. The janitor is at work, supervising the cleaning, mopping and dusting. The typical hospital smell of disinfectant is in the air. Two nurses changed

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The cordial season.

#Poattic-19 #Autumn # ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour Autumn,you mark the transformation from monsoon to winter The subcontinent’s beauty and truly a season of joy Stunning warm shades of orange and yellow Colourful falling leaves and cool weather Come Autumn and the arrival of

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Sabarmati Ke Santh.

#ArtoonsInnWritersRoom #Bapu #ODE 8   Yes he did arrive on 15 August 2022, our Independence Day. Our beloved Bapu’s astral body hovered over Delhi.  He saw the National flag on each house top. Ah, my people are loving their mother land,

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#pencent 183 #drabble

We were distributing food packets to the flood affected in Somepur. We heard a gut-wrencing scream. “The scream was so loud, it drowned out all the sounds around her” and all. I ran to the polythene tent. A woman with

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