


Life is full of joys and pleasure

Punctuated by misery and failure

With the hustle and bustle of to-day’s life

Everyone is stressed

Hense suicide suicide cases are on the rise

It’s  high time we should try our best

To keep our minds cheerfully and fresh

Good food and exercise help a lot

Consumption of alcohol must stop

Connecting with nature and with friends

Life becomes happier day by day

Getting up early and doing yoga and meditation

Mind turns calm and cool for every situation

Loving humanity and giving service to them

It will inspire our next gen

Believe in oneself  makes you confident

You are able to move a mountain

Come on accept the life as it is

Ttereby tension and stress gets released

Life is not always a bed of roses

Hope arises when we remember the wise saying

Every cloud has a silver lining

Sorrow is always followed by happiness

Dark night brings  a bright morning everyday.

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