AZatPP The law of universe is What you sow So shall you reap. To get goodness Good you have to be. Karma is nothing but A cycle of cause and effect. It is like a boomerang, What you do, comes
Read More »I still remember the days When in my childhood The gardener Raghu brought basketful of Jasmine flowers To the delight of my mom. She used to comb my Lustrous long hair Making two braids And fixed two strings of Fragrant
Read More »Forming a mental image Something not present. Is quite exciting And very interesting . Imagination has a creative ability, To control and deal With a problem. Imagination has given Very good literature. Whether it is prose Or poetry doesn’t matter.
Read More »Honour can’t be sought or purchased It is practised. Regard and respect to others, Deeds which are morally right, Hold honour upright . Honesty, integrity and probity, Makes one great. Honour is the value of a person in one’s own
Read More »You are the creator and ruler of the universe. All pervading and omnipresent . Perfect in power, wisdom and goodness. Some are awed about you. Some fear you. Penance and fasting done by most of the people.
Read More »In olden time Girls did a lot of embroidery. Granny once told me an interesting fact, Before wedding , Each girl sew forget me not In different shades on pillow covers. The cherished gift for the would be And a
Read More »Riches never bring eminence to anybody. Efforts, hardwork,character make people great. Eminent scientists, judges, sculptors, Benefited society by their toils. Great writers, singers and fighters. Their contributions never to be forgotten.
Read More »Her devotion to duty never wavered. As a daughter, sister and wife she excelled. Her loyalty and piety awed one and all. The affection, dedication and attentiveness Enriched the family. . The day she left the mortal world, Everyone mourned
Read More »The sky is filled with colourful kites. Having all the colours of the rainbow. Young and old all are happy flying their kites. They know they can control the string on their own. But, do they know the fact? That
Read More »How much I liked blowing soap bubbles It was long past in my childhood. Running after the bubbles to catch and burst And the unbounded joy ! Alas growing up I knew Wise men have told, “Life is but a
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