


Aditi was humming as she made tea.She was happy.She looked pleased and excited.Her father had called her a few minutes back.

Ajay saw her coming out of the kitchen with the tea tray in hand,and asked,”got a call from home?”

“How could you know Ajay?”

“From your glowing face dear”,Ajay said smiling.

“Yes it was father.He has invited us all tomorrow for Satyanayan Puja.Papa does it rituously twice a year for the well-being of family.We will be required to spend the day there.”

“Yeay”,shouted Babloo and Khusi.They both loved to visit their grand parents and their house..The big garden,the swing,the fish pond and the guava trees lift their spirit.They loved to play in the garden and pluck the guavas.

“The whole day ! I would be bored.Your brother is abroad, and the others are all seniors.I have no one to talk to there.,” grumbled Ajay.”But the food is the best thing there.I just love it.”

Aditi gave a pleased look.Ajay marked a little bit of pride mixed with that beautiful smile on his wife’s face.Women adore praises of their own parents’ place.

The following day, they all reached Aditi’s parents house by ten in the morning.It was a Sunday,and the traffic was lean.

Aditi was overjoyed to see her beloved aunt Sumati, from the neibhouring town.Her presence was a pleasant surprise.Aditi was barely ten years younger than Sumati.,and looked upon  her as a friend , not piusi.Her father was quite fond of Sumati and treated her more as daughter than sister.Aditi and Sumati shared a deep bonding, so it was not surprising that Sumati cried the most when Aditi left for her in -laws place after wedding.Even to this day Ajay called her the ‘cry aunt’ .

However,Aditi found Sumati a bit put-off,so she decided to find the reason.She asked the cook to bring her piusi’s favourite tea.While taking tea,Sumati said, “Adi, I am worried for Guddu and Priya”.

“What happened? Aditi asked in astoniment.They are fine there. Your son  and his wife have settled in New York.You and uncle are visiting them each year.They both love each other.You two always praise about your daughter in law. Here everybody says you both are the luckiest parents.So what is there to worry about?”

“Arrey na na, did I say the are unhappy? it is something else.Its been four years since their marriage and there is no baby till now.”

Aditi guffawed at her concern.

“Sumi aunty,they are in a different society.Having a baby just after marriage is never a priority there.They are probably doing the same as their friends and peers.”.

“No no,Guddu had told me that they would be planning for a baby after two years of marriage.It has been four years now.Everyone in my inlaw’s family is asking me about it.”Is everything okay?”

“You mean to say they suspect there is a problem with conceiving?”

“Yes, exactly.Guddu is my only child.That worries me”.

“Then why dont you ask them about it?”

“I feel awkward, I am the mother.How can I discuss this with them?This is a sensitive matter.A storm of fear is brewing inside me.I am scared Adi.I am very much worried”.

Aditi tried her best to console console her aunt.” Aunty,medical science is quite advanced now, and if there is any problem, like something biological, then it can be solved easily.If you want I can talk to them about this tomorrow.Its ok.You feel shy to ask them.But for me its not a problem. ,After all Guddu is my cousin.Why didnt you mention me all these earlier.Look at you, fretting over such a trivial matter.You look depressed and nervous.

Aditi  went home after the function.Then she texted Guddu asking for a convenient time to talk to.

The following day she had a long conversation with Guddu and Priya.She told in detail the  concern of her piusi.

Priya replied,”we tried after two years for a baby.When I didnt concieve we consulted the doctor.She first did a sonography of mine and they found an ovarian cyst.They have started the treatment for it. I am on treatment now.The doctors are hopefull.So please tell Ma everything  will be ok.We too made a blunder of hesitating to  tell her about it.”

After that Aditi was in constant touch with them.

Three months later she got to know about  Priya’s pregnancy.

Sumati got relieved after the good news.She was on cloud nine.She stared her puja -paath seriously.Every Monday she visited Shiv temple to pray for the unborn’s well-bieng.

Hoping for future happiness,both uncle and aunt went on their day to day affair.To her delight ,Aditi saw the improvement in her aunt’s cheerfulness.

Aditi too was very excited.She was on contact with her aunt over phone every day.Uncle was busy in preparation for the journey.

On seventh month of the pregnancy of Priya , uncle and aunt left for New York to be there for the child delivery.

It was the day of Vijaya Dasami,Sumati called Aditi to tell her that she had become a grand mother.Her daughter-in-law had given birth to a baby boy.Both mother and child were fine.

“Sumi aunty,you were worried for nothing.The Divine Mother has blessed you on such an auspicious day.Trouble and worries are like storms, and like they say,”Not all storms come to disrupt your life.Some come to clear your path”.

piusi -father’s sister

puja-paath -worship and reading the scriptures



  1. A beautiful tale of hope, indeed.
    Elderly people often worry about absence of grandchildren. Your story had a happy ending.

    Please take care of punctuations, and also formatting. I think this happened because of C&P issues from Word document to the website.

    I take the liberty to provide a few pointer, ma’am.

    ** She was happy. She looked pleased and excited
    // Repitition – Can remove one sentence //

    ** Satyanayan Puja
    // Satyanarayan Puja //

    ** lift their spirit
    // lifted their spirits //

    All in all, a feel-good story.

    • Thanks Narayani for the read.In South India it is narayanan but in Eastern part we say Narayan..Again thanks for your feed back.

  2. Its a beautiful story Charu ma’am and very much relatable . It flew smooth. I just felt some charcters/settings were irrelevant to the plot like the details about Aditi’s family. Nevertheless it was a wholesome read.
    Probably you typed it on mobile ? There are some punctuation misses and typos. You could may be correct them and save again.

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