Forget me not.


In olden time

Girls did a lot of embroidery.

Granny once told me an interesting fact,

Before wedding ,

Each girl sew forget me not

In different shades on pillow covers.

The cherished gift for the would be

And a must item in a girl’s dowry. 

I chuckled and asked

“Did you do it grandma? “

She gave a naughty smile

And nodded in affirmative.

She confessed grandpa liked it.


Ah the granny talks are there no mor

As both grannies and grandchildren

Have changed a lot.

Children are busy with modern gadgets

And grannies love to walk and talk 

In the parks. 


  1. I loved how you have created a contrast of emotions in this poem maโ€™am, reflecting the spirit of the two different ages. Warm in the beginning, poignant and wistful in the end ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

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