Unconditioal love.


My love for you is iternal. 

I want a lifetime with you. 

All of the good in my life

is because  of you. 

I always  need you by my side. 

I have loved you as you are. 

I accept your follies,as they are. 

I cherish you. 

I adore you. 

I can’t stop thinking  about you. 

This is our love for each other, 

And it is unconditional. 


  1. Each of us crave for such a love. Accepting another for who and what they are is indeed the deepest expression of love. ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

  2. Accepting one another’s flaws and imperfections makes it an eternal love! Beautifully put, ma’am๐Ÿ’š

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