So after my wedding, I entered a big mansion, full of men, women and children, and hoards of sahayaks, both male and female. The rooms were very big in size. The walls of each room had big framed photographs of ancestors, mostly of men. After four days in my new house, I asked my husband, whether there was any photo of his mother. Unfortunately, there was none. My husband had a great interest in photography since his college days and had a passion for trying photography in different cameras. Yet he was very unhappy about the fact that none in the family had taken a photo of his beloved mom. He was too small a boy at that time. Had he been a big boy, surely he could have captured a memory. Alas. He assured me that after the busy nuptial ceremony he would inquire whether anybody has one within the family. But he could not get the opportunity in the din and rush. He had taken leave of fifteen days for the wedding. He was working as an electrical engineer with the State government. He had to join work after a week.
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