The storm within.

Sumati was laying on her bed fully awake. A storm with rain, lightning and thunder was going unabated outside . She could hear the talk and giggles of her two maids from the room next  to her. How happy those two were!, she thought. Enjoying high salary and all the comforts of her huge bungalow!

But they were her companions and care takers since  Rudra’s sudden demise.

If I had listened to Rudra that day???

“Sumi I don’t want Piyush to join the MBA course in Europe. Why should he leave us ?Let him do M tech and join an engineering college here  to teach.

“How can we be so selfish Rudra ?It his dream to join the prestigious business school. I can’t disuade him from going,look how happy  he is”,I had assured Rudra that day.

Did he apprehend his death in few years??

That stormy night this question was repeating in her mind.

She got up at  the frantic knocks on her bed room door. Both the maids were calling her. It was seven in the morning. She was already  late by two hours.

“Madam didn’t you sleep well last night. You might be scared of the storm, but we both were there na.”

Sumati headed towards the wash room.

“silly maids. How can they fathom the turmoil inside me. The blunder I had made ten years ago, by not stopping our son going abroad? ”




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